Michael Jacksons 18-jährige Tochter, hat Paris Jackson in einem Interview mit Rolling Stones einige schockierende Enthüllungen über ihr Leben und den Tod ihres ikonischen Vaters gemacht. Sie fuhr fort, darüber zu sprechen, dass sie im Alter von 14 Jahren von einem völlig Fremden sexuell missbraucht wurde, ohne irgendwelche Details zu enthüllen. Es war keine gute Erfahrung, und es war wirklich schwer für mich, und damals habe ich niemandem erzählt, ist alles, was sie sagt. Sprechen über ihre rauen Teenager-Jahre, sagt sie, ich habe eine Menge Dinge, die 13-, 14-, 15-Jährigen sollte nicht tun. Ich habe versucht, zu schnell aufzuwachsen, und ich war nicht wirklich so nett von einer Person. Was folgte, war Depression und sie wurde die gleichen Antidepressiva verschrieben, die ihr Vater einmal genommen hat, obwohl sie nicht mehr auf irgendwelche psych meds ist. Paris ist überzeugt, dass ihr Vater ermordet wurde und sich nicht davon abhält, über AEG Live zu sprechen, die Promotoren hinter dem hochveröffentlichten This Is Ittour. AEG Live behandelt ihre Darsteller nicht richtig. Sie trocknen sie trocken und arbeiten sie zu Tode. Sie sagt zu erwähnen, dass sie Justin Bieber auf einer neuen Tour sah und für ihn Angst hatte. Er war müde und ging durch die Bewegungen. Ich sah mein Ticket an, sah AEG Live, und ich dachte zurück, wie mein Vater die ganze Zeit erschöpft war, aber nicht schlafen konnte. Michael Jacksons Familie verlor eine Unrecht-Todesklage gegen AEG, da es zu dem Schluss kam, dass Michael für seinen eigenen Tod verantwortlich war. Der Jacksons-Doktor Conrad Murray wurde im vergangenen Jahr wegen unfreiwilliger Tötung verurteilt und Paris beschuldigt ihn für den Tod des Vaters. Er würde Anklänge über die Leute, die ihn herausholen, fallen lassen. Sie werden mich eines Tages töten, sie erinnert sich an ihre Väter Worte. Überzeugt, dass ihr Vater ermordet wurde, sagt sie, Absolut. Weil es offensichtlich ist. Alle Pfeile zeigen darauf. Es klingt wie eine totale Verschwörungstheorie und es klingt wie b, aber alle echten Fans und jeder in der Familie weiß es. Es war ein Setup. Es war b. Als weiter gefragt wurde, wer die Musik-Ikone tot haben wollte, pausiert sie und zeigt, viele Leute. Der 18-Jährige sucht Gerechtigkeit, wie sie sagt, ich mache definitiv, aber es ist ein Schachspiel. Und ich versuche, das Schachspiel richtig zu spielen. Und das ist alles, was ich jetzt über das sagen kann. Live Data Software von Equities, Commodities, Währungen für AmiBroker und MetaStock RTDS Softwares für AmiBroker, MetaStock. Verliere niemals deine Gewinne. Holen Sie sich High-Speed-Echtzeit-Daten von Aktien, Rohstoffe, Währungen und internationale FOREX für MetaStock und AmiBroker (Weltweit am besten Stock Charting Software) Was bekommen Sie von unserer Software Futures Daten. Wir bieten Futures-Daten. Indizes Daten. Wir liefern Indizes Daten. Bargeldbestände Daten. Holen Sie sich alle Top 500 Aktien Echtzeit-Daten-Software. Rohstoffdaten Mit vollen monatlichen Verträgen und automatischer Verfüllung von rt-Daten. Währungsdaten Es gibt derzeit vier Währungspaare. Wir stellen alle aktiven verträge von währungsdaten zur Verfügung. Agri Rohstoffe Daten. Holen Sie sich alle Daten der landwirtschaftlichen Rohstoffe. Abgesehen von Agrar-Rohstoffen stellen wir alle zusätzlichen Waren-Daten-Software zur Verfügung. Daten aus erster Hand Also vermisse dich niemals. Die Datengenauigkeit stimmt vollständig mit dem Austausch von Eingangsdaten von Quelle zu Software überein. Zero Latency. Geschwindigkeit auf dem Niveau mit Handelsterminals. Unsere Selbstbedienungs-Server und Ticker-Anlage mit Gigabit-Port-Geschwindigkeit. Passend für Ihr Budget. Alle RTDS-Software sind Multi-Plattform unterstützt als AmiBroker und Metastock Charting-Plattformen. Multi-Plattform-Kompatibilität. Sowohl Amibroker als auch Metastock können zu einem Zeitpunkt unter einem einzigen Abonnementplan verwendet werden. Schnellstartanwendung. Weniger als 4 MB groß. Einfach zu installieren und sehr benutzerfreundliche Software. 24 Stunden Service. Jeder Moment ist wichtig für ernsthafte Händler. Daher sind Ihre Trades mit RTDS Support Führungskräfte jederzeit und überall über Live Chat gesichert. Nur Sonntag abend Pan Indien Präsenz. Wir haben glückliche Kunden an jeder Ecke von Indien. Mit unseren FOREX Daten und 24 Stunden Service haben wir jetzt Global Footprints. Wir bringen Ihnen Software mit genauen und rechtzeitigen Austauschdaten, die Sie immer vor anderen Händlern bleiben. Mit der Fähigkeit, die Echtzeit-Charts zu zeigen, gibt es Ihnen die Freiheit, Aktien, Futures und Währungen aus mehreren Segmenten zu wählen. Beobachten Sie sie unter einer Plattform. Es ist nicht nur einfach Daten, es ist eine Geldmaschine. Registrieren KOSTENLOS Live Kaufen Verkaufen Indikator Software Datenpläne von RTDS: Ausgezeichnete Datenpakete. Cash-Daten und Futures-Daten. Genaue Echtzeitdaten für Amibroker und Metastock für Bargeld, Indizes, Futures. Beide AmiBrokerreg amp MetaStockreg Charting-Plattformen können gleichzeitig unter Einzelabonnement genutzt werden. Umfasst alle 500 Aktien von Bargeld. Historische Intraday-Daten werden automatisch heruntergeladen. Deckungen 1. Monat und 2. Monat Verträge von Aktien-Futures. Rohstoffe, Agri Rohstoffe und Währungen. Holen Sie sich blitzschnelle Live-Daten-Software für Amibroker und Metastock für Rohstoffe, Agri Rohstoffe und Währungen. Kompatibel mit beiden AmiBrokerreg amp MetaStockreg Charting Software. Alle aktiv gehandelten Symbole in Rohstoffe, Agri Rohstoffe und Währungen sind abgedeckt. Automatische Abfüllung historischer Intraday-Daten. FOREX-Daten Genaue Echtzeit-FOREX-Daten für Amibroker und Metastock aller aktiv gehandelten FOREX-Währungen und einschliesslich einzelner Währungsraten und Währungsraten. Beide AmiBrokerreg amp MetaStockreg Charting-Plattformen können gleichzeitig unter Einzelabonnement genutzt werden. Umfasst alle aktiv gehandelten Währungspaare. Mehr als 200. Historische Intraday-Daten-Backfills automatisch. Ausgezeichnete Features von RTDS Echtzeit-Daten-Software: RTDS-Software für Echtzeit-Daten in AmiBroker. Unterstützte Betriebssysteme: Win XP Vista Win 7 Win 8. Beide 32 Bit Amp 64 Bit. RTDS-Software für Echtzeitdaten in MetaStock. Unterstützte Betriebssysteme: Win XP Vista Win 7 Win 8. Beide 32 Bit Amp 64 Bit. Kontinuierliche Echtzeit-Aktualisierung der Daten während der Handelszeiten. Kontinuierliche Echtzeit-Aktualisierung der Daten während der Handelszeiten. Aktualisiert alle wichtigen Scripts von COMMODITIES. (Mehr als 150 Scripts) inklusive Währungsdaten. Aktualisiert alle wichtigen Skripte von EQUITY Cash amp Future. (Fast 800 Scripts) Aktualisiert alle wichtigen Scripts von COMMODITIES. (Mehr als 150 Scripts) inklusive Währungsdaten. Aktualisiert alle wichtigen Skripte von EQUITY Cash amp Future. (Fast 800 Scripts) Vollautomatische Backfill von 5 min Intraday Daten. Vollautomatische Verfüllung von 5 min Intraday-Daten. Unterstützt die Off-Market-Aktualisierung der bisherigen Daten. Unterstützt die Off-Market-Aktualisierung der bisherigen Daten. Beachten Sie, dass minimale Internet-Geschwindigkeitsanforderung 30 KBs ist, aber nicht 30 Kbs amp diese Software arbeitet in Betriebssystemen wie Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 amp Windows 8 (beide 32 Bit und 64 Bit) Beachten Sie, dass minimale Internet-Geschwindigkeitsanforderung 30 KBs ist Aber nicht 30 Kbs amp diese Software funktioniert in Betriebssystemen wie Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 amp Windows 8 (beide 32 Bit und 64 Bit) Was macht RTDS voraus von anderen Wirklich Quellzeit Daten Feedquot. Qualität wird immer Priorität, wenn es um Börsen-Daten geht. RTDS pflegt immer, was es begeht. Kundendienst . Viele Händler denken, dass billige Rate bedeutet schlechte Unterstützung. Aber in dieser Hinsicht sind wir völlig außergewöhnlich. Wir bieten Ihnen eine ständige Live-Chat-Unterstützung von 9.00 bis 22.00 Uhr mit unserem engagierten Team von technischen Führungskräften. In naher Zukunft werden wir Live-Support 24 Stunden zur Verfügung stellen. Was wir versprechen, liefern wir. RTDS-Datenanbieter ist ein alter, gut renommierter Markenname im Aktienmarkt-Anbieter. Was macht uns bekannt Unsere Verpflichtungen, unsere Kunden. Einfachheit ist der Schlüssel. Die rt-Daten-Feed-Software, die wir von RTDSClientAmibroker und RTDSClientMetastock zur Verfügung stellen, sind sehr einfach, extrem benutzerfreundlich, robust aber sehr klein. Alle sind nach indischen Aktienhändler Wahl getroffen. Fähigkeit zur Problemlösung und Datenrettung Wir verwenden die Distributed Server-Technologie. Datenverfüllungen und Datenrettung sind für Börsendaten entscheidend. Viele andere Datenanbieter sind nicht in der Lage, verlorene Daten wiederherzustellen. Aber wir können es perfekt machen. So können Händler niemals verlieren, was sie bezahlen. Gleichzeitige Aktualisierung mehrerer Skripte. Könnte unglaublich sein, aber RTDS haben diese revolutionäre Technik möglich gemacht. Börsenhändler und Analysten sind während der Handelszeiten sehr beschäftigt. Es ist sehr schwierig für sie, Scripts separat auszuwählen und zu aktualisieren. Mit unserer Software sind das kein Problem, denn alles ist automatisch, sowohl Verfüllung als auch Echtzeit-Update sind alle gleichzeitig. Kostengünstiger Datenanbieter aber nicht KOSTENLOSer Datenanbieter. Unsere Produktpreise sind am billigsten, wenn man Preis und Qualität vergleicht. Wir berechnen nichts für den Kundendienst. Aber die interessantere Tatsache ist, wenn Sie Google suchen, können Sie mehrere Anzeigen über quotfree Echtzeit-Datenquot finden. Ist das wirklich frei Oder einfach nur eine gefälschte Anzeige Eigentlich ist in dieser Welt nichts mehr los. Langjährige Stabilität und Service. Viele Datenanbieter tauchen plötzlich auf dem Markt auf. Aber die meisten von ihnen sind nur Kopie-Katze einzelne Person unorganisierte Bauernhöfe. So fehlt es an Qualität und Service. Nach ein paar Monaten sind sie einfach zusammengebrochen, verschwinden vom Markt. Hüten Sie sich vor ihnen Langfristige Stabilität ist sehr wichtig. Wir sind Zeit getestet große Organisation. Unser Hauptmodell ist das volumetrische Geschäft. Und unsere Vermögenswerte sind Kunden. Danke, dass ihr uns immer von anderen behalten habt. BEGRIFFE UND BEDINGUNGEN DIESER WEBSEITE UND IHRE PRODUKTE DIENSTLEISTUNGEN: BITTE SORGFÄLTIG DURCHGEFÜHRT WERDEN, BEVOR SIE DIESE WEBSITE rtdsdata (nachfolgend als ldquositerdquo, ldquoSiterdquo, ldquowebsiterdquo, ldquoWebsiterdquo bezeichnet), wobei dieser Ausdruck nur den Kontext oder die Bedeutung davon beeinträchtigen soll, als Nachfolger gelten und einschließen Und zulässige Zuweisungen). Die folgenden ldquoTerms And Conditionsrdquo (im Folgenden als ldquoTampCrdquo bezeichnet) ist eine rechtliche Vereinbarung zwischen (a) Sie (entweder eine Einzelperson oder eine Einheit oder eine Firma oder eine Organisation) und (b) ldquoORBOTRONS INTERNATIONALrdquo (nachfolgend als ldquoRTDSrdquo, ldquowerdquo, ldquousrdquo bezeichnet , Ldquoourrdquo, ldquodeveloperrdquo, wobei der Ausdruck, sofern nicht der Kontext oder die Bedeutung davon beeinträchtigt wird, als Nachfolger und zugelassene Zuweisungen bezeichnet wird), die Ihre Nutzung dieser Website regelt. Der Begriff quotSoftware Productquot bedeutet Computer-Software und kann zugehörige Medien, gedruckte Materialien und quotonlinequot oder elektronische Dokumentation enthalten. Eine Änderung oder Ergänzung zu diesem TampC kann andere von uns autorisierte Websites begleiten. DURCH KLICKEN ZUM STIMMUNGSABSCHLUSS, DU BESCHLOSSEN, DURCH ALLE BEDINGUNGEN, BEDINGUNGEN UND KLAUSELN DIESER TampC VERSTANDEN WERDEN. SIE AUCH AKZEPTIEREN DIESES TampC, WENN SIE IHNEN ALLE ODER ALLE SEITEN DIESER WEBSITErdquo ANDOR ldquoBOOKMARK ALLE ODER ALLE SEITEN DIESER WEBSITErdquo ANDOR ldquoCOPY ODER DRUCKEN ODER ALLE SEITEN DIESER WEBSITErdquo ANDOR ldquoVISIT JEDE DER SEITEN DIESER WEBSITE DURCH DIREKT EINGEHEN IST LINKrdquo. WENN SIE DIESE LIZENZBEDINGUNGEN NICHT ANNEHMEN, IST DIESE LIZENZBEDINGUNGEN DIESE WEBSITE VERLETZEN UND IHNEN DIESE WEBSITE VERLETZEN, DASS IHRE ANDEREN SEITLICHEN ANDEREN SEITLICHEN ANDEREN SEHENSWERTES ODER ALLE SEITEN ODER ALLE SEITEN VON DIESEM WEBSITErdquo ANDOR ldquoWITHOUT SAVINGCOPYINGPRINTING IRGENDE ODER ALLE SEITEN DIESER WEBSITErdquo. 1. Sie erklären sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, die Anforderungen des Informationstechnologiegesetzes, 2000, sowie Regeln, Vorschriften, Richtlinien, Redegesetze und Notifizierungen, die dort unter, während auf der Website durchgeführt werden, zu erfüllen. 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EIGENTLICHE RECHTE UND RECHTE DER NUTZUNG. 5.1 Für die Zwecke dieses TampC bedeutet ldquoRightsrdquo Patente, eingetragene und nicht eingetragene Warenzeichen und Dienstleistungsmarken, Domainnamen, eingetragene Geschmacksmuster und Geschmacksmusterrechte, Urheberrecht (einschließlich solcher Rechte in Computersoftware und Datenbanken), Rechte auf Firmenwerte und Ansprüche auf Erhebung eines Anspruchs Zum Vergehen, unlauteren Wettbewerbsrechten, Rechten an Aufführungen, Datenbankrechten und moralischen Rechten, in Erfindungen, Entwürfen, Zeichnungen und Computerprogrammen bestehende Rechte (jeweils für die gesamte Periode und Verlängerungen, Wiederbelebung und Erneuerungen), Anträge auf Und das Recht, irgendwelche der vorgenannten irgendwo in der Welt zu beantragen, und alle ähnlichen Rechte überall auf der Welt und in jedem Fall alle äquivalenten Formen des Schutzes, die jetzt bestehen oder die in der Zukunft bestehen. 5.2 Alle Rechte an und auf der Website sowie alle Inhalte und Materialien, die auf der Website enthalten sind, unter Ausschluss jeglicher Inhalte Dritter, aber einschließlich (ohne Einschränkung) jeglicher Texte, Fotos, Informationen, Bilder, Grafiken, Bilder, Diagramme, Videos, Audios, Musik , Software, Anwendungen und die Zusammenstellung, Stil, Komposition, Aussehen, Auslegung, Design und typografische Anordnung desselben oder eines Drittanbieters (ldquoSite Contentrdquo) sind im Besitz und bleiben im Besitz von uns oder unseren Lizenzgebern. Sie können eine Kopie der Website-Inhalte unter folgenden Bedingungen ansehen, herunterladen und ausdrucken: (a) Die Website - und Website-Inhalte dürfen nur für Ihre persönlichen, nicht kommerziellen Zwecke verwendet werden (b) die Website-Inhalte dürfen nicht vervielfältigt werden Die in irgendeiner anderen Arbeit oder Veröffentlichung in irgendeinem Medium enthalten sind (c) der Inhalt der Website darf nicht verändert, kopiert, verändert, verbreitet, gestaltet, vervielfältigt, neu veröffentlicht, heruntergeladen, angezeigt, veröffentlicht, übertragen oder verkauft werden, Ganz oder teilweise (d) Sie dürfen keine Urheberrechts - oder sonstigen Eigentumsvermerke in irgendeiner Website-Inhalte entfernen (e) Sie dürfen sich ohne schriftliche Genehmigung von RTDS nicht mit dem Website-Inhalt in einem veröffentlichten ebook verknüpfen. 5.3 Soweit dies ausdrücklich gestattet ist, ist jede Vervielfältigung, Vervielfältigung, Veränderung, Verbreitung, Verkauf oder sonstige Verwendung von Website-Inhalten zu irgendeinem Zweck eine Verletzung unserer Rechte. 5.4 Für den Fall, dass Sie irgendwelche Website-Inhalte von der Website herunterladen, besitzen Sie das Medium, auf dem die Website-Inhalte aufgezeichnet sind, aber wir überweisen keinen Titel an diese Website-Inhalte an Sie und wir behalten den vollständigen und vollständigen Titel der Website-Inhalte überhaupt Zeiten und alle Rechte darin. Sie dürfen die im Website-Content enthaltene Software nicht in einer lesbaren Form verteilen, verkaufen, dekompilieren, zurückentwickeln, zerlegen oder anderweitig reduzieren. 6. SPEZIFISCHE VERBOTENDE VERWENDUNGEN. Die Website darf nur für personenbezogene, nicht kommerzielle Zwecke nur für rechtmäßige Zwecke verwendet werden. RTDS speziell verbietet jede andere Nutzung der Website, und alle Benutzer stimmen zu, dass keine der folgenden: Post oder senden Sie auf der Website unvollständige, falsche oder ungenaue biographische Informationen oder Informationen, die nicht Ihre eigenen Senden Sie unerwünschte Mail oder E-Mail , Unaufgeforderte Anrufe tätigen oder unerwünschte Faxe über Promotions und eine Werbung für Produkte oder Dienstleistungen an einen Nutzer der Website senden oder alle von einer anderen Person oder Einrichtung geposteten Materialien übernehmen oder überarbeiten. Maßnahmen ergreifen, die eine unangemessene oder unverhältnismäßig große Belastung der Webseiten-Infrastruktur erfordern Versuchen Sie zu entschlüsseln, zu dekompilieren, zu disassemblieren oder zurückzuentwickeln, jede der Software, die in irgendeiner Weise einen Teil der Site Aggregate ausmacht, kopiert oder in irgendeiner Weise irgendwelche Inhalte oder Informationen, die von der Website verfügbar sind, oder die Benutzer stimmen nicht zu Verwenden Sie einen der Benutzer-URL, Webseiten-Link, E-Mail-Adresse und Website, während Sie auf ein Material auf der Website zugreifen. Sie dürfen ohne unsere ausdrückliche schriftliche Zustimmung keine systematischen oder automatisierten Datenerhebungsaktivitäten (einschließlich Scraping, Data Mining, Datenextraktion und Datenernte) auf oder in Bezug auf unsere Website durchführen. Sie dürfen keine Materialien oder Nachrichten, die Softwareviren enthalten, oder andere Dateien, die dazu bestimmt sind, Inhalte, die in irgendeiner Weise zu unterbrechen, zu zerstören und zu negativ zu beeinflussen sind, zu senden, zu übermitteln, zu vervielfältigen und anderweitig zu beeinflussen, irgendwelche elektronischen Geräte im Zusammenhang mit der Verwendung von Die Website oder andere Benutzer Fähigkeit, die Website zu verwenden. Bei Nichtkonformität von Benutzern einer der vorgenannten Begriffe kann RTDS nach eigenem Ermessen die beeinträchtigende Benutzer in der Lage sein, auf die Website zuzugreifen und zu entscheiden, ob andere Maßnahmen ergriffen werden sollen, um die Entfernung des Userrsquos-Inhalts zu entfernen oder zu verlangen. RTDS haftet nicht für die Erfüllung oder Nichtdurchführung solcher Tätigkeiten für die Nutzer. 7. WIRKLICHE ZEITDATEN. Der Begriff ldquoreale Zeit datardquo andor ldquolive datardquo, die anderwohin auf dieser Website verwendet wird, bedeutet das ldquoreale Timerdquo, d. h. Instant ldquodisplayrdquo und ldquoanalysisrdquo von ldquoinput datardquo berechnet auf Basis unserer proprietären Algorithmen, Formeln und Code. Die Eingabedaten, die in unserem Softwareprodukt angezeigt oder anderweitig auf unserer Website erwähnt werden können, sind nicht die Echtzeitdaten, die an Börsen - oder Warenbörsen oder Wechselstuben oder deren Anbietern verkauft werden. Die Eingabedaten, die in unserem Softwareprodukt angezeigt oder anderweitig auf unserer Website erwähnt werden können, sind ldquostock, futures, Ware und Währung namerdquo und ldquoprice valuerdquo. Die Quellen von Eingabedaten, die in unserem Softwareprodukt angezeigt oder anderweitig auf unserer Website erwähnt werden können, sind von legitimen Webseiten oder legitimer Software, die gesetzlich erlauben, ldquostock, futures, Ware und Währung namerdquo und ldquoprice valuerdquo öffentlich zugänglich zu machen. 8. DATENBESCHRÄNKUNG Unser Software-Produkt kann ldquostock namerdquo und ldquoprice valuerdquo nur anzeigen. Unser Softwareprodukt liest Zeitstempelwerte aus der Ortszeit Ihres Computers, in dem es installiert und verwendet wird. Hier wird der Begriff ldquostock namerdquo als breit angelegter Begriff verwendet, um das Symbol einer Aktie, Zukunft, Index oder Währung zu verweisen. Zum Beispiel, ldquoRELIANCErdquo, ldquoACCrdquo, ldquoABBrdquo, ldquoUSDINRrdquo, ldquoEURINRrdquo. Hier bedeutet der Begriff ldquoprice valuerdquo den verzögerten Zahlenwert eines ldquostock namerdquo. Dieser numerische Wert kann öffentlich kostenlos von verschiedenen legitimen Website und Software, die gesetzlich ermöglichen, diese numerischen Daten zu kopieren, erhalten werden. Der numerische Wert ist der Wert, bei dem ein Aktienhändler (Verkäufer) seinen Bestand an einen anderen Händler (Käufer) verkauft. Daher wird dieser numerische Wert aufgrund der Aktion (Kauf und Verkauf) von Aktienhändlern generiert. Zum Beispiel, vorausgesetzt, Preis von ldquoRELIANCErdquo ist INR ldquo1100.20rdquo bei ldquo01: 04: 26 pmrdquo (HH: MM: SS ttt). Hier ldquo1100.20rdquo ist das ldquoprice valuerdquo. Während wir bei der Verarbeitung dieser Daten in Echtzeit sorgfältig darauf achten, haben wir keinen Anspruch auf Geschwindigkeit und Genauigkeit dieser Daten, die in unserem Softwareprodukt angezeigt werden. Die ldquoprice valuesrdquo und ldquostock namerdquo sind kostenfrei öffentlich zugänglich, die jemand in unserem Softwareprodukt kopieren, herunterladen und verwenden kann. Unser Softwareprodukt verarbeitet diese Eingabedaten von ldquostock namerdquo und ldquoprice valuesrdquo, um weitere extrem wichtige Daten zu erzeugen, die für die Analyse und das Diagrammplotten erforderlich sind. Die Computercodes, Algorithmen und Formeln zur Verarbeitung der Daten werden von uns besessen und in unser Softwareprodukt implementiert. Diese Ausgabedaten sind ldquoOpenrdquo, ldquoHighrdquo, ldquoLowrdquo, ldquoCloserdquo, ldquoTime Stamprdquo Werte für bestimmte Intervalle (sagen 5 Minuten Intervall). Diese Art von Werten von ldquoOpenrdquo, ldquoHighrdquo, ldquoLowrdquo, ldquoCloserdquo Werte in verschiedenen Intervallen werden von unserem Softwareprodukt basierend auf den Eingabedaten generiert. Die Qualität, die Genauigkeit der Ausgabedaten, die von unserem Software-Produkt erzeugt werden, verleiht daher die Qualität, die Genauigkeit der Eingangsdaten. Während wir bei der Verarbeitung dieser Daten in Echtzeit viel Sorgfalt walten lassen, haben wir keinen Anspruch auf Genauigkeit, Geschwindigkeit und Qualität der von unserem Softwareprodukt erzeugten Ausgabedaten. 9. DRITTE PARTY-QUELLEN VON EINGANGSDATEN. Sie können Eingabedaten von ldquostock, Futures, Ware und Währung aus verschiedenen Webseiten oder Softwarequellen bereitstellen, aber wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für die Rechtmäßigkeit, Echtheit dieser Quellen, weil unser Softwareprodukt eine Datenverarbeitungssoftware ist und daher nicht überprüfen kann, ob die Eingabedaten Ist legitim oder nicht. Es liegt in der alleinigen Verantwortung von Ihnen, die Rechtmäßigkeit, die Echtheit dieser Eingabedaten vor dem Gebrauch zu überprüfen. Sie können Eingabedaten von ldquostock, Futures, Ware und Währung aus verschiedenen anderen Quellen wie DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) oder durch Freigabe von Speichergeräten über LAN (Local Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network) bereitstellen, aber wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für Die Rechtmäßigkeit, die Echtheit dieser Quellen, weil unser Softwareprodukt eine Datenverarbeitungssoftware ist und daher die Rechtmäßigkeit oder Genauigkeit oder Genauigkeit der Eingangsdaten nicht überprüfen oder kontrollieren oder zensieren kann. Es liegt in der alleinigen Verantwortung von Ihnen, die Rechtmäßigkeit, die Echtheit dieser Eingabedaten vor dem Gebrauch zu überprüfen. 10. VERBINDUNG MIT STOCK AUSTAUSCH ODER COMMODITY AUSTAUSCH ODER WÄHRUNGSAUSTAUSCH. Weder diese Website noch unser Softwareprodukt haben eine direkte oder indirekte elektronische Verbindung mit einer Börse und einer Warenbörse und einer Wechselstube. 11. GEWÄHRLEISTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS UND ETIKETTEN. Sie erkennen an, dass unser Softwareprodukt für die Verarbeitung von Eingabedaten in Echtzeit und redundanter Basis dient und nicht als alleinige oder primäre Quelle für die Speicherung von Eingangsdaten verwendet werden darf. Unser Softwareprodukt wird auf einer Quoten-Isquot-Basis angeboten und wir garantieren nicht, dass die im Softwareprodukt enthaltenen Funktionen Ihren Anforderungen entsprechen oder dass der Betrieb des Softwareproduktes ununterbrochen oder fehlerfrei ist. Computer-Software ist inhärent abhängig von Bugs und potenzielle Inkompatibilität mit anderen Computer-Software und Hardware. Sie sollten unser Softwareprodukt nicht für alle Anwendungen verwenden, in denen der Ausfall zu erheblichen Schäden oder Verletzungen von Personen oder materiellen oder immateriellen Vermögenswerten führen kann. Im gesetzlich zulässigen Umfang haben wir und unsere autorisierten Lieferanten unser Softwareprodukt auf Quoten-Isquot-Basis und mit allen Fehlern und Bugs und leisten hiermit alle anderen Garantien und Bedingungen, weder ausdrücklich noch stillschweigend oder gesetzlich, Aber nicht beschränkt auf Garantien von Titel, Etikett und Nichtverletzung, implizite Garantien, Pflichten oder Bedingungen der Marktgängigkeit, der Eignung für einen bestimmten Zweck und des Mangels an Viren in Bezug auf dieses Softwareprodukt. Keine mündliche oder schriftliche Information oder Beratung, die von uns oder unserem Bevollmächtigten gegeben wird, eine Garantie. In keinem Fall stellen wir jegliche Gewährleistung oder Zusicherungen in Bezug auf jegliche Hardware oder Software von Drittanbietern zur Verfügung, mit denen dieses Softwareprodukt verwendet werden soll, und wir haften nicht für jegliche Mängelhaftung. Keine Haftung für Folgeschäden. Soweit dies durch das anwendbare Recht zulässig ist, in keinem Fall und ohne rechtliche Theorie, Schadensersatz, Vertrag oder anderweitig, der Entwickler, seine zugelassenen Verkäufer oder seine Wiederverkäufer für irgendwelche besonderen, zufälligen, indirekten oder Folgeschäden haftbar machen (einschließlich , Ohne Einschränkung, Schadensersatz wegen Verlust von Geschäftsgewinnen, Betriebsunterbrechung, Verlust von Geschäftsinformationen, Verlust von Geschäfts - oder Firmenwerten, Arbeitsunterbrechung, Computerausfall oder Störung oder sonstige Vermögensschäden, die sich aus der Nutzung oder Nichtnutzung dieses Softwareproduktes ergeben , Auch wenn der Entwickler über die Möglichkeit solcher Schäden informiert wurde. In keinem Fall haftet der Entwickler für jegliche Schäden, die über den von Ihnen erhaltenen Betrag Entwickler für eine Lizenz für dieses Softwareprodukt hinausgehen. Weil einige Gerichtsbarkeiten den Ausschluss oder die Beschränkung der Haftung für Folgeschäden oder zufällige Schäden nicht zulassen, kann die oben genannte Beschränkung nicht für Sie gelten. NSE, BSE, MCX, YAHOO, GOOGLE, AMIBROKER, METASTOCK, NCDEX und alle anderen registrierten ldquologosrdquo ldquotrade markrdquo ldquocompaniesrdquo ldquoorganizationsrdquo sind anerkannt, dass sie ihre eigenen unabhängigen Identitäten sind, ohne irgendeine Verbindung zu uns zu haben. Wir donrsquot halten alle Ansprüche für die Drittanbieter-ldquologosrdquo ldquotrade markrdquo gemacht. Dieses Softwareprodukt darf im Internet (netto) frei verfügbare Daten enthalten. Daten und alle Berechnungen und Formeln, die in diesem Softwareprodukt zur Verfügung gestellt werden, sind nur für ldquoeducational Zwecke und nur für tatsächlichen Handel oder kommerziellen Zweck. Informationen werden aus Quellen erhalten, die als zuverlässig gelten, aber nicht für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit garantiert sind. Handel und Investition in Aktienmarkt, Rohstoffmarkt und FOREX ist riskant und volatil. Die Nutzer dieses Softwareprodukts sollten sich auf eigene Untersuchungen verlassen und sind ausschließlich für ihre Handlungen verantwortlich und haften nicht für Investitionsentscheidungsmaßnahmen. 12. HAFTUNGSBESCHRÄNKUNG Unbeschadet etwaiger Schäden, die Ihnen entstehen könnten, ist die gesamte Haftung von uns oder einem unserer autorisierten Verkäufer unter einer Bestimmung dieses TampC und Ihr ausschließlicher Rechtsbehelf für alle vorstehenden Bestimmungen auf den größeren der von yourdquo für unsere Software tatsächlich gezahlten ldquoamount beschränkt Produkt. In grundsätzlichem Umfang, soweit dies durch das anwendbare Recht zulässig ist, haften wir nicht oder unseren autorisierten Anbietern für irgendwelche besonderen, zufälligen, indirekten oder Folgeschäden (einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Schadensersatz wegen Verlust von Daten Oder sonstige Informationen für Betriebsunterbrechungen, für Personenschäden, für den Verlust von Privatsphäre, die sich aus oder in irgendeiner Weise im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung oder Nichtnutzung des Softwareprodukts ergeben, oder anderweitig im Zusammenhang mit einer Bestimmung dieses TampC), auch wenn Wir oder einer unserer autorisierten Verkäufer wurde über die Möglichkeit solcher Schäden beraten und auch wenn die Abhilfe nicht von ihrem wesentlichen Zweck abhängt. Einige Zustandsdisziplinen erlauben nicht den Ausschluss oder die Beschränkung von zufälligen oder Folgeschäden, so dass die oben genannte Beschränkung oder Ausschluss nicht für Sie gelten kann. 13. ANWENDBARES RECHT UND GERICHTSSTAND. 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Ohne Beschränkung des Vorstehenden besitzt RTDS ausschließlich alle jetzt bekannten oder nachfolgenden bestehenden Rechte an den Einreichungen jeglicher Art und Art und ist berechtigt, die Einreichungen zu irgendeinem Zweck, kommerziell oder anderweitig, ohne Entschädigung an den Anbieter der Einreichungen. 15. RECHTLICHE MASSNAHMEN. RTDS behält sich das Recht vor, nach eigenem Ermessen zu prüfen und rechtliche Schritte gegen jedermann zu ergreifen, die sich für illegale oder verbotene Verhaltensweisen einsetzen oder gegen diese TampC verstoßen, einschließlich, ohne darauf beschränkt zu sein, den Nutzerinhalt von der Website zu entfernen und die beeinträchtigende Benutzer zu beenden Website und nutzen dort Dienstleistungen. RTDS may take any other action with respect to User content or User actions that it deems necessary or appropriate in its sole discretion if it believes it may create liability for RTDS or may cause RTDS to lose (in whole or in part) the services of its ISPs or other suppliers. 16. UNAUTHORISED ACCESS. You specifically agree that RTDS shall not be responsible for unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data, any material or data sent or received or not sent or received through the Site. 17. DISCLAIMER OF WEBSITE CONTENT. RTDS shall not be liable for any damage to Users computer system or loss of data that result from the download of any content, materials, and information from the Website or use of any software, systems, functionality, or other services on the Site. 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Notwithstanding anything else contained in this TampC, we shall not be liable for any delay in performing its obligations hereunder if and the extent that such delay is the result of an event of Unavoidable Circumstance. For purposes of this clause, ldquoUnavoidable Circumstancerdquo means and includes wars, insurrections, revolution, fires, floods, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, declared general strikes in relevant industries, act of God, act of the Government of India and any concerned State Government and such other acts or events beyond the control of us, intervening after the formation of this TampC and impeding its reasonable performance but does not include any foreseeable events, commercial considerations or those involving fault or negligence on the part of us or our authorized vendors. 24. PUBLICITY. You are not permitted without the express permission of us, use our name, trade mark or logos for any marketing or publicity except as otherwise expressly permitted by this TampC. Our authorized vendors and distributors are however permitted to use the name RTDS to identify the Software Products in its normal product brochures, service directories and screen displays. You are not permitted to issue any external press or other statement in respect of this TampC or its subject matter unless it has been received the express written consent from us which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed or it is required to do so by law. 25. PLACE OF CONTRACT OF OUR SOFTWARE PRODUCT AND SERVICES. Our website gives information about our Software Products. Our website doesnrsquot give offer to sell but it only gives ldquoinvitation to offerrdquo. By clicking ldquoI acceptrdquo on software download webpage of this website you agree that you are accepting this ldquoinvitation to offerrdquo and therefore you are making an offer to get our Software Product. After that, the ldquoDownload Nowrdquo button which will become active ldquoconfirms our decision to sell our Software Product to you and in this way this contract is completed and immediately this agreement will come in forcerdquo. Hence, your offer to get our Software Product is accepted by us in Kolkata which is our place of jurisdiction and work. In this way communication of proposal is complete under Section 4 of Indian Contract Act. Our acceptance to accept your offer is communicated through online from our server based in Kolkata. Hence, all related jurisdictions vest in Kolkata. 26. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This TampC is the entire agreement between you and us relating to this website and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals and representations with respect to this website or any other subject matter covered by this TampC. To the extent the terms of any our policies or programs for support services conflict with the terms of this TampC, the terms of this TampC shall control. In the event of a conflict between the English and any non-English versions of this TampC, the English version shall govern. If any provision of this TampC is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, such provision will be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent allowed by law and the remaining provision of the TampC will remain in force and effect. This Agreement represents the complete agreement concerning this license and may be amended only by a writing executed by both parties. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. U niversity F orex F utures Trading Forex amp Futures University Traders Education Article of the Month Welcome to our Knowledge is Power Resource Guide, providing free futures trading information to get you on the road to trading success today trading the FX Forex Futures markets with information offered by University for Forex trading education into fx futures trading methods, trading systems and trader methodologies which lead to successful trading. Financial Trading Articles amp Tidbits - written by market expert Joe Ross. 1. Measuring Market Opinion and Sentiment Hi Joe What about Market Sentiment reports Sometimes these reports agree and sometimes disagree. What is your opinion on the sentiment reports Although these reports sound scientific, nothing about the trading markets can be measured with scientific precision. Commodity futures amp forex market measuring devices are simply not too accurate. There is no practical purpose for measuring a market precisely and most market measurement is at best only a rough estimate. When we measure futures markets, we are basically also measuring human behavior, and human behavior is not easily measured. When it comes to forecasting financial market conditions or market sentiment it makes no sense to strive for extreme accuracy. Commodities futures and forex market prices are based on human opinion. When measuring human behavior in the marketplace, the statistical error is substantial, generally running with results of plus or minus 5. An estimate of trader or investor opinion is merely a guess because not everyone has the exact same opinion, and because it is difficult to accurately measure an opinion. The variations in these 2 factors are indicated in the statistical 8220standard error.8221 The best a commodities market sentiment report can offer is a statement of probability based on a few important assumptions. Let8217s face it a sentiment report assumes that the universe being measured is actually real. Another assumption is that the measurement of the opinion is reliable. I have seen this phenomenon in action. When I owned a farm and mingled with other farmers at various meetings, it was obvious that the farmers never told the county agent their true planting intentions. Yet, the department of agriculture issues a report on 8220Planting Intentions.8221 Farmers intending to plant soybeans would tell the agent they were going to plant corn (and maybe also trade their corn trading system. Farmers intending to plant corn would tell the agent they were going to plant wheat. The assumption that the universe was real was often met because the agent did indeed poll farmers. The second assumption that the opinion was reliable was hardly real because for various reasons some farmers may have lied to the agricultural agent. Its difficult to measure a market opinion. And just because an opinion or intent is stated, doesn8217t mean the person giving it will act on what they say. These issues have a direct bearing on forex, futures, stock market and commodity trading. As forex traders, unless we are trading (with 100 technical or forex chart analysis), we are also trying to assess current opinion, and anticipate what forex prices will do based be it up, down or sideways, based on that market direction opinion. Forex market price action is a reflection of what humans do and what they see and think others are doing, and many traders base their decisions on the potential reaction of other traders. So at the heart of trading is the idea that market opinion is measured accurately by the current commodity or stock price. Its believed by forex market experts everything known about a market, which can affect global forex prices, is already mostly built-into the forex or futures price, and anything not known is not reflected in the action of the futures price. It is also accurate to say that on seeing the current forex price or latest market conditions, forex traders react in certain predictable ways. For the most part, when forex prices decline, forex traders tend to become fearful and sell their positions to protect their remaining capital, and buy again when they see prices rise so as to satisfy their greed. Of course, the opposite is true of Forex traders who tend to be short sellers. But fear of rising prices by short sellers and fear of falling prices by those who prefer to be long is hardly the main fear ingredient in the marketplace. The greater fear seems to be that of missing a move. That fear is directly tied to greed. A major principle of all market theory is fx Forex traders and investors react to certain market conditions in a consistent and predictable fashion. Famous old trader W. D. Gann visualized these reactions in the form of geometrical angles, shapes and patterns. Elliott saw them as waves (now known as Elliott-Waves), and Charles Dow saw them as an interrelationship among the industrial, transportation, and utility sectors of the markets. However, there is good reason to doubt if market prices truly reflect the opinions of those who participate. There is also doubt as to whether or not market participants react to market situations consistently. It seems like human behavior is too difficult to measure and people (including traders) do not consistently act on their opinions, attitudes, and beliefs. It has proven to be very difficult to measure human behavior, and people do not respond with regularity to situations, even identical situations. When we assume that futures markets traders will react consistently to particular forex market conditions and thereby form the forex chart price patterns outlined in classical trader technical analysis texts, we are placing the trade horse before the cart. We are then assuming that humans will always act the same way to certain situations and conditions. However the truth is that forex trader do not act consistently. Rather they react consistently. Forex chart patterns are a reflection of all that is known in the forex marketplace. What we see when we trade from chart patterns is the way forex traders and investors react to market conditions. Popular binary options brokers reviews and presentations can be found here. Our estimates of what futures traders and investors will do are merely best guesses, and potentially inaccurate ones. Market sentiment attempts to estimate how FX traders will act. That is where to a certain extent it loses its value. It is much more accurate to estimate how people will react to what happens in the Forex Market. So when you are trying to anticipate what forex market traders will do, keep in mind that trader reactions are not necessarily seen with the precision of geometrical shapes, elliott wave counts, market sector relationships, or a market sentiment index. There is no such thing as trade certainty. When I meet the person who can tell me with complete accuracy and consistency where the next tick or pip will be, I will surely have found the Holy Grail of Forex Trading and forex day trading 2. Getting in Step with the Forex amp Futures Market Early in the forex trading day, as part of your daily trader preparation (you do have a daily preparation, don8217t you) its helpful to practice a little to get a quotfeelquot for what you might do and how you might trade forex today. One way to do it is to make a few small trades, using just a small percentage of your normal trading size and your forex brokers account equity. Putting on a small trade position helps you focus. Once you have entered the market, see how the commodity or forex trade is working out. If you use technical indicators look to see if they are in agreement with your prediction of the futures, stock or forex price action. If you anticipated a good forex or commodities trade setup from the technical analysis indicator, did that actually happen Was it good enough so you would trust it again Forex traders who attempt to 8220trade in the zone,8221 try to get the feel of the price action. They want to be in step with the ups and downs of FX price movement. Subscribe to Free Newsletter How To Make Money Trading The Financial Markets Ezine amp Regarding All Money Matters Including Real Estate amp Loans Click-Here Now to Get quotHow To Make Moneyquot Click-Above to Join Newsletter Ezine or Click-Below to Subscribe to RSS Feed Some days you just may not be as good as you are on other days. When you are not in tune with the fx market, it should be a signal to you that 8220this8221 isn8217t your day. If it isn8217t, don8217t trade. Every trader will have trading slumps, periods when trades just don8217t seem to work out. During trader slumps, it simply does not make much sense to keep trying. You are not fit to trade, so don8217t. You will not be trading at your best. Click now for Trading Tip of the Day. Professional commodity futures and FX traders suggest standing aside when you or your trades are not having a good trading day. Ultimately, it8217s a good idea to take a break from trading, to try again later. The break may be hours or days. When I8217m in a slump, I take off an entire week. I don8217t begin trading again until I see trades and markets going my way. 3. Don8217t Deny Reality If you want to be a successful forex or futures trader, you must make sure you do not deny reality in any phase of your trading. You cannot deny losses, price direction, mistakes you make, being undercapitalized, or a whole host of things you would rather not think about. Many traders think the best way to deal with unpleasant ideas, events, or personal character flaws is to shut their eyes and pretend they don8217t exist. Let8217s face it, FX and commodity trading can be difficult, at times very difficult and its essential that you focus on reality. Denial takes your focus away from the very thing you need to be concentrating on8212the action of prices8212regardless of time frame. Your mind must be clear so that you can look at the market and see what is really there. The way I learned to handle denial was to simply write down and confront all possible ideas I had trouble accepting. Some thoughts I could fix and others I just had to accept. But facing the truth of what and who you are is the only way to deal with denial. You have to realize that for the most part the only things you can change are in yourself. Other things you just have to accept. You have to accept the reality of slippage, for example. You have to realize that indicators often give false signals and that there is no magic moving average nor is there a magical oscillator. You have to realize that some winning trades are just lucky trades and had nothing to do with your skill as a trader. By the same token, you will also experience the bad luck of having prices make a sudden and unexpected move against you. Rather than wasting your time in denial, concentrate your mental energies on improving yourself and improving your trading skills. Work at improving your abilities to observe. Realize that you have to survive the markets in order to benefit from the experience of the markets. There is really only one true problem with your trading8212that problem is you However, the problem manifests in two ways: 1. Market conditions have changed and you haven8217t. 2. You are no longer doing what you did when you were winning. You have drifted. You are not consistent. The first aspect of the problem is due to poor observation. The market has changed and you haven8217t changed with it. Poor observation stems from a variety of lesser but very important problems. You have married a market, or a forex trade. You may have allowed your ego to get the best of you and you are no longer humble. I8217ve named just a couple here. I challenge you to think about the many things that can distract you from seeing when market conditions have changed. Make a list of those things and confront them. The second aspect of the problem stems from trader inconsistency. Here again, you should make a list of those things that cause you to be inconsistent. quotPerhaps I was a good trader at one time, but the market conditions have changed and I may not be able to keep my reputation up. quot This is an issue that all traders face at some point: keeping up their reputation. When one makes big profits trading, its tempting to tell neighbors and friends how well you are doing. Its great when youre making the big profits, but keeping up appearances is often the downfall of even the most astute trader. Again, denying your need for fame and glory, or pretending that you can maintain an unrealistic reputation, will use up your psychological energy and interfere with your ability to concentrate. Huge profits tend to go to the humble, so try not to build up your reputation. Admit that you will have difficulty keeping up appearances and just quit doing it. One fact that a trader wrestles with continuously is the notion, quotTrading is not a legitimate job. quot Many traders struggle with the legitimacy of trading. Some traders find that they can simply remind themselves, quotTrading provides liquidity and helps control prices. quot Other traders, however, think this isnt good enough and need to find more meaning in their daily trading activities. For example, they may focus on how trading helps them provide for their family, or may plan to donate some of their profits to charities they view as personally valuable. The point is, dont deny the possible truth to such ideas. You will be better off acknowledging and working thru them, and then just moving on. Denying they exist, on the other hand, will use up both time and energy. Unacceptable beliefs tend to lie in the back of your mind. They remain there, lurking, and when you are vulnerable, they can powerfully influence your outlook. So acknowledge unacceptable ideas, and once you admit the possible validity of such ideas, you will neutralize their potential influence. This will free up limited psychological resources, allowing you to focus all your energy on trading profitably and consistently well. 4. Trading losses Hey Joe Losses are a major problem for me. I know I8217m supposed to 8220learn to love them.8221 How do you deal with these discouraging events After a series of highly successful trades, a trader should not become discouraged by normal successive losses and brokerage account equity drawdown, but learn to expect them. Notice I didn8217t say, 8220learn to love them8221 Alright let8217s say you just took a sizable hit and equity drawdown in the forex market. You feel guilty and angry. You wish it didnt happen. You would like it to go away. You tell yourself, 8220This is part of the price you pay to become a profitable and successful trader.8221 Is this right thinking Is this trading is all about Do you really need to go into a trade expecting to lose Don8217t you believe it Though you see such statements set forth as truth, believing them is not going to help you to become a successful trader. If you think to yourself, I just lost a lot of money and dwell on that thought you will soon be in trouble. If you think, 8220I cant just write it off,8221 then train yourself to think of it as a minor setback and move on. I know that8217s difficult, but thats what you have to do. As a forex market trader, you have to think of the long term. You have to believe that if you work smart enough, and make the good fx trades under the right market conditions, youll come out ahead. However, there is no way that that kind of thinking comes easy. It takes an enormous amount of discipline and self-control to handle trading losses in a positive way. Why Because losses hurt8212they hurt no matter how long you8217ve been trading. If you have trouble taking a loss, you are not alone. All traders suffer losses. As a trader, the losses you take may be a fact of life, but that doesnt make them easy to handle, and you certainly don8217t have to learn to love them. As a trader you should control the amount of losses by keeping them small, and ride through the draw-down until another sequence of winning trades begins. Nevertheless, you may find yourself feeling guilty over taking a loss. Why do we have this feeling of guilt about losses A part of that guilt feeling stems from a strong human urge to protect oneself. So when you lose money, even as a professional and active trader, it hurts when you think of the things for which you could have used the money you lost. You were probably taught to think that way. The social and cultural values of protecting yourself were programmed into you at an early age. When you lose money on a trade, you feel guilty and maybe even a little panicky. Its quite natural and understandable, but who says that traders are natural or even that they act in an understandable way As an active professional trader, you have to change your thinking about losses. You have to resist your natural inclinations and learn that losses are a part of every business. Retail stores take losses from breakage, shoplifting and employee theft. Insurance companies take losses from false claims. Tobacco companies are sued. Chemical companies make bad batches and have to throw them away. Farmers lose crops. Ranchers lose livestock. I cannot think of a business that does not experience losses. So what do you do about the way you were programmed from childhood You must confront your feelings and deal with them. Recognize that you are experiencing guilt. Understand why you are having those feelings. For each of us the underlying reason may differ in kind and intensity. It helps to admit the fact that there may be adverse consequences of taking risk with your hard earned money, and keep in mind that feelings of guilt associated with the loss of money that you cannot afford to lose is even worse. No one has any business trading with money they cannot afford to lose. When trading with money which has been specifically set aside for trading, and you and your family (if you have one) all agree that this is money you can dispense with in the event of a loss it takes away a lot of the pressure of losing. Actively avoiding losses through intelligent risk management also helps to relieve stress and to lower the probability of a catastrophic loss. When you know that youve done everything you can to minimize risk and you feel certain that you can survive a major hit on your account scenario, youll be able to more easily handle losses. Effective risk, money, and trade management go a long way towards building your confidence and relieving the stress from trade losses. Once you have taken care of risk, money, and trade management issues, you must also ensure that you have sufficient trading capital. One of the most certain ways to end up a failure in the forex markets or other futures markets is to go into them under-capitalized. The largest percentage of business failures of all kinds are from under capitalization. The U. S. Small Business Association states that only 1 in 1,500 small businesses startups is successful at the end of 5-years. The majority of those business failures come from businesses that are undercapitalized. Its not different for the business of forex and other futures trading. You have as much chance of succeeding in the trading business starting out with a small 5,000 account as you do of winning the State Lottery.8221 Regardless of what level you start out with you must cut trading losses immediately. The faster your trading takes a loss, the higher the probability you will eventually be profitable. By learning to take losses quickly you will succeed sooner. Trading losses are a business expense. In one sense, trading losses are part of the cost of doing business. In another sense, the cost of losses is part of what you pay to learn the business of commodity futures trading. Losses are a fact of life in a traders life. Losses are not easily accepted. But you certainly don8217t have to learn to love them. 5. Trading Panics and Fast Markets Hey Joe With all the talk of a possible panic, do you believe the government will intervene to ameliorate a crash When a trading panic is gripping the market, ask yourself what the government will do to restore sanity and protect its best financial interests. During stock markets panics, the Federal Reserve injects instant liquidity by repurchasing government securities, and lower interest rates. In October 1987, T-Bond futures rallied 10,000 per contract, when the Dow crashed 508 points in one day, which was considered a gigantic market crash based on the low DJIA during that time period. There were times when no NYSE stock was traded, because there were no buyers. It took one trader 4-days to get through to Charles Schwab to confirm a trade. The phone was on automatic redial from 7 AM to 7 PM, during that 4-day period. It took 14 days to confirm the trade It is my firm belief based on evidence in my possession that the government really does have a Plunge Protection Team, an offshore entity that enters the stock market at times when prices are falling too fast. This entity buys whatever, wherever, and whenever needed to keep the stock market from an outright crash. When grain prices rise sharply due to flood damage news, is it in the best interests of the government to allow further price rises Consider the inflationary effect of the heavily grain weighted CRB Index. When grain prices increase due to growing problems, farmers feel resentment against Chicago traders, who may profit from farmers misfortune. The government may issue false reports to drive grain prices lower. The 1993 floods affected 70 of the corn and 50 of the soybean producing states, yet yields were higher than 1991 production levels except for three states. How could this be Were government figures altered to hold inflation down You bet they were. Watch for late 1993-type bullish government grain market releases to propel grain markets substantially higher when conditions of flood or drought appear. Order a Trading Consultation or Website Inquiry by Going-Here 6. Hey Joe I want to learn how to trade, but I8217m having a conflict. Is trading futures gambling Trading futures is gambling only when you trade them without full knowledge of what you are doing. There is a good measure of self-knowledge required to choose the proper course to follow if you want to become a trader. It has even been postulated that many small traders in the forex and futures markets, without knowing it, secretly want to lose. They jump in with high hopes8212but feeling vaguely guilty. Guilty over gambling with the familys money, guilty over trying to get something for nothing, or guilty over plunging in without really having done much research or analysis. Then they punish themselves, for these or other sins, by selling out, demoralized, at a loss. A trader is gambling when heshe trades from ignorance. The gambler makes his trading decisions on gut feelings, hopes, dreams of getting rich quick, tips from the broker, 8220inside information8221 from friends, and from the improper understanding and use of indicators, oscillators, moving averages, and mechanical trading systems. In general, he is looking for a way to shortcut having to truly learn what is going on. Unfortunately, most new traders who attempt to trade futures fall into this category. However, true trading is actually speculation (managed risk). The speculator is willing to accept the risk of price fluctuation in return for the greater leverage that comes with that risk in the hopes of earning a greater profit. The true speculator makes his trading decisions based on knowledge gathered from information about the behavior of the underlying, seasonality, historical and current market trends, technical chart analysis, commodity fundamentals, investment market dynamics, and knowledge of those who trade it. 7. Hey Joe What about adding new positions when day trading A day trader should learn to press the market and add contracts at crucial trend confirmation intra day prices, moving all protective stops to break even with additional contracts. When a bull market makes new half day highs, instead of trading a one price unit size, trade two or more price units with a tighter stop. Either the market profitably explodes, or the trade is exited immediately. When building bull-market trade positions, move protective stop-loss orders to break-even as new trade positions are added. The best location for your protective stop-loss order is below a previous reaction low, swing-low, trendline, or psychological price resistance area. And keep in mind you are not adding to an existing position. You have it correct when you say adding 8220new8221 trade positions. They are new trading positions and must be managed as such, all the while remembering that each 8220new8221 position is put on that much closer to the end of the move and therefore carries increased trading risk of loss. 8. Hey Joe Do you think there is any truth in that individual traders are affected by the overall mood of the financial and forex market I believe there is a lot of truth in that statement. I also believe you must learn to detach yourself from the financial market moves. I read something a long time ago and saved it. I don8217t remember who wrote it, but here it is: 8220Short-term trading must rank near the top of the list of the most unpredictable and exciting occupations on our planet. As the aggregate of market players ride the market to soaring heights and terrifying lows, the collective consciousness of the crowd soars to euphoria and falls in despair in concert with the price movement. 8220If the crowd experiences a cumulative emotion8212ranging from mild optimism, greed and euphoria, to minor anxiety, then fear and outright panic8212it stands to reason that all but the most robotic of traders go through personal feelings that mirror the experience of the crowd. 8220Its common to find traders who stay in high spirits when the market trends up, and feel dejected and depressed when the market declines. In past years, this may have had more significance because many traders refused to sell short they missed out on market action when it tumbled. Another reason for the 8216up is good, down is bad8217 emotion seesaw lies in the unfortunate fact that when markets fall, many novice traders ignore their stop-loss points. A falling market falling account value. The downside to this syndrome, however, is more than detrimental to your wealth. Attaching your emotions to market gyrations can adversely influence your relationship with your loved ones and friends. 8220How do you stay disconnected and detached from market moods First, we state the obvious: acquire the knowledge and discipline needed to make wise trading choices. Second, refine money management skills it is an absolute 8216must.8217 Establish an overall, big-picture plan for your trading business, so daily market gyrations dont look so daunting. ALWAYS plan your trade and trade your plan. When in doubt, get out. If you dont enjoy selling short, when the market 8216rolls over,8217 take profits and stay on the sidelines until conditions improve. After all, when you are in cash, you will have no emotional connection tied to market activity. 8220Once you learn to disconnect from market mood, you will shake off emotional limitations that may have hampered your trading decisions. And that should have a positive impact on your trading success.8221 Details on Trader Consulting or Making a Website Inquiry by Going-here 9. Hey Joe I know I am an over-trader. I guess I just don8217t understand why In your overall management, where does over trading fit in Over-trading fits in under the topic of risk management. We are talking 8220risk control.8221 First, I would say that risk management is one of the most important things that you really need to understand. Second, you must begin to under-trade, under-trade, under-trade. Whatever you think your trade position ought to be, cut it at least in half. My experience with novice traders is they trade 3 to 5 times too much. Other than on spreads, they are taking 5 to 10 percent risks on a trade when they should be taking 1 to 2 percent risks. The principle of preservation of capital implies that before you consider any potential market involvement, risk should be the prime concern. You should consider the potential reward, only in the context of the potential risk. Risk must become the determining factor in taking a position. This is the true meaning of riskreward analysis. Properly applied, it sets the standard for evaluating not only whether to take a trade at all, but also to what degree. Preservation of capital8212refuse to lose8212becomes the basis for smart money management. 10. Is there order in the markets Are there definable chart formations that form the basic building blocks of price action Yes, I believe there are, and I am happy to share them with you. I discovered them many years ago, over time and through the use of statistics. Three basic patterns have emerged that can be seen in any time frame on any chart that is capable of showing you the high and low values of prices. I am interested in the interpretation of these patterns as they apply to price movement. I call this discovery 8220The Law of Charts,8221 and it is available to readers of this publication at no charge simply by visiting our website. You can discover the Law of Charts on any kind of chart commonly used in market analysis today: the law can be seen on bar charts, candlestick charts, and point and figure charts. The Law of Charts The three basic patterns making up The Law of Charts are as follows: Some of these may be further subdivided as follows: For years traders have looked at price charts and wondered what they meant. Sometimes viewing a price chart is similar to looking at the stars and trying to figure out which ones to connect to show you the formation known as 8220Taurus, the bull.8221 All too often chart formations exist only in the eye of the beholder. At what point does a 8220pennant8221 formation become a pennant What exactly constitutes a 8220coil,8221 and when is it a coil Exactly how would you define a 8220head and shoulders8221 formation When can you call a 8220megaphone8221 a megaphone MORE IMPORTANTLY, what do any of these formations tell you The discovery of The Law of Charts was quite accidental8212something on the order of Newton discovering the Law of Gravity when an apple fell on his head. As with most discoveries, The Law of Charts was discovered through simple observation8212studying charts for many years until the formations just popped out and revealed themselves. The details of the Law of Charts are seen in our e-book entitled, of all things, 8220The Law of Charts.8221 To see how this trader law is applied in regular trading, we are happy to share with you our weekly journal in which we show actual application of the law. The weekly journal, which we call 8220Chart Scan8482,8221 is also available at no charge. The Meaning of the Formations 1-2-3s occur only at the end of trends and swings. They are an indication of a change in trend. They take place when the directional momentum of a trend is diminishing. Exactly the way to identify 1-2-3 formations is detailed in our e-book. You will also find in the e-book how to register to receive our Chart scan journal. Consolidations and the ability to identify them are of utmost importance because prices tend to move sideways far more than they tend to trend. Ledges occur only when values are trending. They constitute a pause in the trend. The pause may be due to profit taking or, more usually, are reflective of uncertainty in the market. The traders e-book explains more fully how to deal with so called Ledges. Ledges are consolidation areas consisting of no less than four occurrences of price value and no more than ten occurrences of price value, having two matching highs and two matching lows. Congestion areas are sideways consolidations of price value and reflect periods of accumulation and distribution. You might say that they indicate a market that is essentially at fair value with no significant changes in supply or demand. Congestion consists of from 11 to 20 occurrences of price value prior to a breakout. Trading ranges are extended consolidations of price value. They consist of sideways movement lasting twenty-one bars or more. Interestingly, statistics show that breakouts from trading ranges occur most often on price value occurrences from twenty-one to twenty-nine. Furthermore, the narrower the trading range becomes, the more explosive tends to be the breakout, and the wider the trading range becomes, the less explosive will be any breakout from the sideways action. Trading ranges also reflect markets that are at fair value with little change in supply or demand. Ross hooks always occur as the result of profit taking. A ross-hook is defined as the first failure of prices to continue in the direction they were previously moving following the breakout of a 1-2-3 formation, the breakout of any of the consolidation patterns mentioned above, or the breakout of a previous Ross hook. Each one of the basic trade formations is able to be defined. The specific definitions are available in the previously mentioned e-book, 8220The Law of Charts.8221 Since the basic formations occur in a variety of ways when seen on a chart depicting actual price action, we want to help you fully understand how to apply the law. There is considerably more to the Law of Charts than can possibly be described in this overview article. You can obtain a clear, thorough understanding of how we trade using The Law of Charts through the Chart Scan, which is sent out by E-mail each week. We invite you to join us in a better understanding of what you see on a price chart. Joe Ross8217 Trading Educators is dedicated to helping serious traders to become better traders. Our staff and branch offices consist of real traders trading real markets. Trading Educators is involved in day trading and position trading in a variety of markets including futures, equities, and forex. In addition, our offices regularly trade futures spreads and options on futures. 11. Hey Joe If I get all my forex buy and sell signals to work properly, I should come out a winner, right Wrong The perennial questions are, 8220Should I buy Should I sell8221 All too many traders focus their efforts on identifying buy and sell signals. In fact, that8217s what most trading books consist of8212some way to find buy and sell signals. Trading systems are usually all about 8220where to get in.8221 The research and analysis traders do is geared towards reaching the goal of getting that magic 8220base line8221 directive to guide their actions. How ignorant can you be Any successful, experienced trader will tell you that although properly identifying buysell signals is important, it8217s not the key to being successful. Instead, the way you manage each trade is what will determine your success. Traders who take the baseline approach tend to believe that the success of their trading activity is dependent on following the right buysell signals at the right time. Clearly, it8217s important that a trader be able to understand the process of generating signals and to use the methods involved. Realistically though, almost any financial trader can find a way to generate signals (whether using technical methods already out there, coming up with their own system, or using their platform8217s automated signal generation tools). Any successful, experienced commodity futures and forex trader will tell you your trade doesn8217t begin and end with a buy or sell. There8217s a trade management process involved. For each commodity futures trade you make, you8217re making a group of decisions. The way you manage and time those decisions is what will determine the success of your trade. Let8217 say 2 traders get the same trade signal at the same time and act on it. One8217s trade may result in profits while the other8217s results in losses. How is this possible It can occur because each trader made a different combination of decisions throughout the course of the trade. The decisions may include scaling in andor out of the trade, using or not using trailing stop-loss orders, setting or not setting profit price target objectives prior to entry, patience or lack thereof, etc. The forex and commodities futures traders who made the most effective overall combination of trading decisions will have the better trade results in the end. Of course, there are time when pure chance, gives the better result to the worst trader. It8217s very important to regard trading as a process, and to understand that as a trader your efforts need to be focused on the activity of trading itself, as opposed to getting a quick base line answer. Because there are many things to take into consideration in making your trades successful, it8217s essential that you educate and train yourself in all the different areas. Learn how to develop better trading plans and to trade a sound and proven important trading technique and technical indicator, and learn how to apply what you have developed to the overall process of executing a trade vs the original impulse to enter or stay-out of a trade to the control of your thought processes and emotions in making and managing that trade. 12. Hey Joe I8217m a long-term trader. Any trading advice for me Note the yearly ranges for the commodities you trade. What is this yearly high and low, are they higher highs, lows and closes compared to last year Does the close confirm price action What is the long term trend How does this years compare to last three years average range Should next year have greater volatility than this year How much based in dollars was the commodities price move from the annual lowest low to highest high price How much did you take out of that range What should next years high and low be for the commodities you trade based on the yearly trend analysis These questions define the yearly long term vertical bars, use the monthly priced bars to answer them. Use weekly price bars to answer major trend questions for monthly highs and lows. 13. Hey Joe At the trading seminar you said it8217s a good idea to study military campaigns if you want to be a good trader. Would you elaborate on this a little Grant and Napoleon had one ability that separated them from other generals, the ability to maneuver troops and supplies to their most effective placements under rapidly changing circumstances. Traders should learn how to manage their funds, rework stop placements, and change their position size with changing market conditions. Conducting warfare and commodity trading have many common factors. All modern warfare is derived from the spear and shield, attack and defend, offense and defense. For trading markets, offense is trade entry and defense is the protective stop. Day trading is like guerrilla warfare, which was first used in Europe during the early 1800s when Napoleon placed his brother on the throne of Spain. Attack rapidly then retreat. Value of Persistence: In the Battle of the Wilderness, Grant let the Southerners know one thing, he would never give up and would fight them under the harshest of conditions. After the battle was over, instead of retreating back to Washington to rest, as some past cowardly Northern generals had done, Grant moved south and stopped Lee from sending reinforcements to Atlanta, which fell to Sherman. The Civil War was won from the Battle of the Wilderness, which Grant is still incorrectly thought to have lost. Grant broke the South psychologically after the Battle of the Wilderness. The stock market or futures trader is a successful human being for the courageous act of trying to become a success trader, regardless of his brokers account equity statement. Churchill said, quotNever give up. Never, never, never give up. quot That statement defines persistence and commitment. There are many trading systems that are profitable, yet there is only one way to correctly analyze price action. Those lessons are contained by regular practice reading charts and working out what you see there. Dont give up and you will find them on the charts. 14. Hey Joe I know you must have been a truly committed trader when you began. How do I get myself to be in control Statistics and society may predict, but you alone determine whether you will succeed or fail. You alone are in control take responsibility for your performance and your life. There are always tremendous opportunities in the markets. It is not what happens it is what you do with what happens that makes the difference between profit and loss. Most traders move from trading method to trading method, over time, until they find one that suits them8230 one that is comfortable to run, and tests well first by trade back-testing, and then by real-time trade testing. Some traders never stop looking for the 8220right8221 way to trade. That is a problem. There are many ways to trade that can generate nice profits over time. To settle on a right way for you to trade: 8226 First, you have to believe in the process which leads to the generation of your entry signals. Does that process make sense to you Maybe you8217re a visual sort of person and you are drawn to Candlestick charting. Take the time to understand why the patters mean 8220reversal8221 and not just accept the 8220picture8221. Go deep. Choose a guru to follow. Maybe you learn best from mentoring. Choose wisely. 8226 Second, method you decide to go with, back-test it. In today8217s modern world of software, there8217s no excuse not to run all the back data you can through your method and see what the results would have been. 8226 Third, THINK about the process you are choosing and why it8217s right for you. THINK about the results you get from your back-testing and your real-time testing of your system. 8226 Fourth, BE A MACHINE (DON8217T THINK) when you are trading your method. This is why I am a huge proponent of mental training for traders. Unless you can control yourself, you can never control your trading. In order to control yourself and your emotions, you have to believe totally in the way you trade. Do the work. Denken. Then don8217t think. 15. Hey Joe If you had to come up with a set of steps that would bring trading success, what would those be. I guess from time to time I would say this somewhat differently, but what comes to mind is as follows: Here are five steps to becoming a successful trader 1. Focus on trading vehicles, strategies, and time horizons that suit your personality. You need to be comfortable. 2. Identify non-random price behavior, wherever you can find it. 3. Absolutely convince yourself that what you have found is statistically valid. 4. Set up trading rules. 5. Follow the rules, but don8217t be afraid to break them if the don8217t work. In a nutshell, it all comes down to: a. Do your own thing (independence) b. And do the right thing (discipline). 16. Hey Joe What about adding new positions when day trading Day traders should learn to press the market and add contracts at crucial trend confirmation intra day prices, moving all protective stops to break even with additional contracts. When a bull market makes new half day highs, instead of trading a one price unit size, trade two or more price units with a tighter stop. Either the market profitably explodes, or the trade is exited immediately. Trader Consulting Information, or Make a Website Inquiry by Going-here When building bullish trading positions, move your protective stop-loss to break even as new positions are added. The location ideal for the protective stops are below a previous reaction low, a trend line, or psychological resistance price. And keep on mind that you are not adding to an existing position. You have it correct when you say adding 8220new8221 positions. They are new positions and must be managed as such, all the while remembering that each 8220new8221 position is put on that much closer to the end of the move and therefore carries increased risk. 17. What exactly is a hedger, and what is a hedge A hedger could be someone who grows and sells hedges, but in this case we are not talking about horticulture, although the idea of growing a hedge as a means of protection lends itself to the concept called 8220hedging8221 in the futures markets. The details of hedging can be somewhat complex but the principle is simple. Hedgers are individuals and firms that make purchases and sales in the futures market solely for the purpose of establishing a known price level 8211 weeks or months in advance 8211for something they later intend to buy or sell in the cash market (such as at a grain elevator or in the bond market). In this way they attempt to protect themselves against the risk of an unfavorable price change in the interim. Or hedgers may use futures to lock in an acceptable margin between their purchase cost and their selling price. Consider this example: A jewelry manufacturer will need to buy additional gold from his supplier in six months. Between now and then, however, he fears the price quotes for gold may increase. That could be a problem because he has already published his catalog for one-year ahead. To lock in the price level at which gold is presently being quoted for delivery in 6-months, he buys a futures contract at a price of say, 350 an ounce. If, 6-months later, the cash market price of gold has risen to say 370, he will have to pay his supplier that amount to acquire gold. However, the extra 20 an ounce cost will be offset by a 20 an ounce profit when the futures contract bought at 350 is sold for 370. In effect, the hedge provided insurance (protection) against an increase in the price of gold. It locked in a net cost of 350, regardless of what happened to the cash market price of gold. Had the price of gold declined instead of risen, he would have incurred a loss on his futures position but this would have been offset by the lower cost of acquiring gold in the cash market. The number and variety of hedging possibilities is practically limitless. A cattle feeder can hedge against a decline in livestock prices and a meat packer or supermarket chain can hedge against an increase in livestock prices. Borrowers can hedge against higher interest rates, and lenders against lower interest rates. Investors can hedge against an overall decline in stock prices, and those who anticipate having money to invest can hedge against an increase in the over-all level of stock prices. The list goes on. Whatever the hedging strategy, the common denominator is that hedgers willingly give up the opportunity to benefit from favorable price changes in order to achieve protection against unfavorable price changes. 18. What8217s the meaning of 8220Position Limits8221 Although the average trader is unlikely to ever approach them, exchanges and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) establish limits on the maximum speculative trade position any one trader can have at one time, in any one forex or futures market contract. The purpose is to prevent one buyer or seller from being able to exert undue influence on the market price in either the establishment or liquidation of positions. Position limits are stated in number of contracts or total units of the commodity. The easiest way to obtain the types of information just discussed is to ask your broker or other advisor to provide you with a copy of the contract specifications for the specific futures contracts you are thinking about trading. Better yet you can obtain the information from the exchange where the contract is traded. Position Limits can dash the hope of even the most ambitious traders. With a certain number of contracts, you then have to report your intentions. Along the lines of Position Limits, are certain limits built into any venture which limit a trader8217s ability to trade large size. It is a common fallacy of most aspiring traders to think that if they could just learn to be successful trading a single contract, just think what they could do with 100 contracts, or 1,000 contracts. Besides becoming reportable, the trader runs smack up against two immutable laws: 8226 The law of diminishing returns 8226 The law of diminishing productivity The larger the trading size of the trader, the fewer markets he can enter without becoming everyone8217s target. When you trade too big, everyone is out to get you. If they catch you going the wrong way on a trade they will make mince-meat out of you. So that trader must stick only with markets that can absorb his size. The more contracts you put on, the more problems you have with fills. It becomes difficult to get all contracts filled at a single price. Instead you find yourself managing a series of prices. No fun at all You are so busy managing one trade, that you can no longer manage other trades. Having to manage a lot of different prices reduces your productive ability. 19. Oversold or overbought markets One way to look at consolidation areas is to try to buy into a market when it is said to be 8220oversold8221 at support, or sell into one that is said to be 8220overbought8221 at resistance. In either case you do this as soon as it begins to move in the opposite direction. Overbought conditions are said to exist when a market has experienced rapid price increases. Intermediate resistance is a price, or clusters of prices, which have formed at price levels not exceeded for several days or weeks. The opposite is true for oversold conditions. They are said to exist when a market has experienced a rapid decrease in prices. Intermediate support is a price, or clusters of prices, which have formed at price levels not violated for several days or weeks. Timing such trades based upon the chart pattern greatly reduces risk and facilitates such a counter trend entry. The minimum price objective for this type of entry is generally about 50 of the price movement from the previous top to the previous bottom. 20. Three components of market timing All market timing has three components: entry into the position with a protective stop, repositioning the protective stop, and exiting the trade when it is completed. Profits may take care of themselves, but losses require money management. These timing components must be built into every successful trading system. Good stop placements, relative to price action, are like fishing for big fish using a light line the right amount of tension is required at all times. Picture it this way: If a fish is given too much fishing line, i. e. too wide a stop placement, he will come towards the boat then explode outward, thus ripping the hook out of his mouth, i. e. taking the trader out of the market. If too much tension is applied, i. e. stop placements too close, the fisherman rips the hook out of the fishs mouth and loses the fish. The trader with too close a stop takes himself out of the market. The wise trader must know how to use stop placements, especially if he fishes at high risk bottoms or tops. 21. Pullback or trend reversal When seasonal pressures favor a trend already underway, a pullback can offer attractive entry opportunities 8211 if you know what to look for. When seasonal influences coincide with an emerging trend, a reciprocal relationship can develop that generates dynamic price movement. Short-term pressures reinforce longer-term trends, and longer-term fundamental change promotes a greater sense of urgency in seasonal pressures. Consider the effect of a seasonal increase in demand when supplies are in structural decline amid a potential shortage. A trend is a series of actions and reactions. When prices move too far too fast in one direction, they tend to pull back 8211 almost like 8220two steps forward, one step back.8221 Not only does this pullback allow the market to correct any imbalance, it also affords lower-risk entry opportunities before the trend reasserts itself. The questions, of course, are how much of a pullback and when is a pullback a reversal instead. Such is the trade-off in buying pullbacks, but general rules of thumb exist to help. Probably the best rule of thumb is to determine whether or not the pullback is nothing more than profit taking. Profit taking will generally not cause more than three price bars of pullback. A trend reversal should be considered whenever there are more than 3 price bars in the pullback. More than 4 price bars gives a very strong indication that the move may be at least temporarily over and that immediate consolidation of some time period is in process. 22. Defined risk Defined risk is something to be quite concerned about. We always want to keep it as small as possible relative to the anticipated reward. Risk can come in unexpected ways. As a rule, you don8217t count on lousy or unreasonable fills. You don8217t count on the market being under fast conditions at the time you enter. You don8217t count on the fact that even though you are trading in a normally liquid market, today is the day when traders are just standing around. You don8217t count on the fact that tick size may be unusually large just when you are entering the market. Perhaps you have a resting stop, and just when prices reach your stop, the market becomes fast or the tick size unusually large. You don8217t count on a huge fund entering the market just at the time prices reach your resting order. It is because there are so many unplanned for items that can exaggerate risk, that we learn to respect the trend. The reward can be surprising, the risk defined. The market contains the knowledge of all the players, therefore it knows more than any one of its players. When a market trends, it does so for a reason. At times, the reason is never fully understood until afterward. Trends usually get underway slowly and then accelerate as they gain momentum. Momentum is potentially as helpful to a trader as a ocean waves are to a surfer. And because momentum is also a function of market psychology, trends can carry to even greater extremes than seem possible, thereby legitimizing the question, 8220How high is high8221 or 8220How low is low8221 It is human emotion that drives markets to extremes. For instance, one definition of an up trend is a series of progressively higher highs and lows on a price chart. By that definition a trend becomes risky when there is penetration of the most recent prominent low. However, that fixed chart point can also help a trader to estimate the depth of corrections, and to identify possible entry points. By understanding the trend you can get a better idea of the amount of your risk exposure. Trading with the trend can place the probabilities in favor of your ultimate success. When it comes to trading with the trend there may be as many ways as there are traders. I prefer to 8220nibble8221 the trend, taking frequent profits as I go and then reentering ifwhen the trend continues. When nibbling the market, I use no indicators of any kind. In a down trend, my trailing exit stop is always 1 tick above the high of the latest price bar. My entries are 1 tick below the latest price bar. If prices gap beyond my entry point I do not enter. Sooner or later every trend breaks down, and not coming to the full realization of that seems to be the undoing of many traders. There is a tendency to hang on much too long. 23. Is it true that selling a market when it is limit up is usually a great strategy This 8220brilliant8221 strategy stems from the idea that selling a market at limit up, may result in the trader gaining two limit moves in his favor while theoretically not losing any money the day of entry. I think is that this is an absurd idea. I don8217t advise this high risk approach as a trading tactic. Keep in mind that most markets that remain limit up on the close, will open sharply higher the next day over 90 of the time. The limit-up sell is recommended only as a partial profit taking measure, not to initiate short positions which may be considered on the next higher open. If ever trapped into a limit up move situation try to buy deferred futures contracts or call options immediately and ask how many contracts there are to buy on the most active futures contract. If there are over 1000 contracts to buy, do not assume the most active futures contract will come off limit to trade the remainder of that day. 24. Rallies and Declines The price relationship and magnitude of price movement, where rallies and declines occur, defines trend. A bull market has a higher high followed by a higher low which should be followed by a higher high the majority of the time. The magnitude of rallies is greater than the correction of declines. Examining the distances between highs and lows allows the lowest risk entries, and forecasts where and when market tops and bottoms should occur for profit taking exits and new position entries. Buying bull market corrections makes good sense, since the next rally should be greater than the decline on which the position was taken. That, in essence is what we are doing with the Traders Trick Entry. Declines should not be lower than the previous price bottom. The same principle applies to day trading. It is the downward corrections in a bull market that quantify the strength of the market. With a chart pattern recognition approach, it is very possible to know where any market will trade days, weeks, or months in advance greater than 78 of the time. Too bad we don8217t know exactly when 25. Detecting the End of a Trend One way to know that a trend is over is as follows: Downtrend: A low is made and then a correction (retracement) follows. If the distance from the low to the high of the correction is greater than the height of the two corrections prior to making the low, you are probably looking at the end of a trend. The highest probability is for prices to now enter a consolidation, since few markets consistently make Vee bottoms. Uptrend: A high is made and then a correction (retracement) follows. If the distance from the high to the low of the correction is greater than the depth of the two corrections prior to making the high, you are probably looking at the end of a trend. The probabilities are now equal for prices to consolidate or for an actual change in trends. Markets make Vee tops more often than they make Vee bottoms. 26. No more than two indicators are the maximum to confirm price action Simplify your approach to technical analysis as much as possible. Emphasize price action analysis, de-emphasize indicator usage, and unless you are in a position to gain lots of information, totally ignore fundamental analysis. No more than two indicators are the maximum to confirm price action. At a trading seminar, at which I spoke, one trader there used 9 technical indicators to trade the futures markets. More than half of the trading seminar was devoted to technical analysis indicators and their usage in trading. Wells Wilder wrote the best book ever written on trade indicators, quotNew Concepts in Commodity Trading Methodsquot and it should be read before oscillator usage or trading seminar attendance. However, keep in mind Mr. Wilder eventually publicly disavowed every indicator except ADX. These days, I do not use Gann, Elliot, Fibonacci, open-interest, or RSI, in my technical analysis. I use mostly mental analysis of buying and selling pressures, as expressed in a series of price bars or chart patterns. If you are going to trade with indicators despite my ranting and raving against them, the best way to trade them is to know what levels they achieve only 15 of the time when at a major top or bottom, and know the percentage of price action and indicator divergence for each market in which you use the indicator. If only 15 of all Stochastic values go above 83 for Treasury Bonds, then upon reaching that value wait for confirming price action to generate a profitable sell signal. Traders may combine indicator values to specific time value tops and bottoms for counter-trend price objectives, but be sure to use non-correlating indicators to do the job. The 15 level is different for each market. Price vs technical analysis divergence is an indicator value created when the market price moves to new higher levels, but the indicator remains below a previous indicator value level relevant to a previous price top. Corn used to have price action and stochastics divergence 80 of the time at bottoms. Knowing the percentage of divergence at tops and bottoms for each commodity makes money. What is the average counter trend price move when the Stochastics rise above 83 for T-Bonds with divergence If you don8217t know, you need to know. Tell you what, it8217s a lot easier learning to read a futures chart and to be stingy in your use of indicators. 27. TRADING THE ROSS HOOK8482 The Ross hook8482 (Rh)8482 is always created as the result of profit-taking. It is defined in the following way: 8226 The first failure of prices to continue in the direction they were going regardless of time frame: Subsequent to the breakout of the 2 point of a 1-2-3 formation subsequent to the breakout of any area of price consolidation containing at least 10 price bars Let8217s look at some examples, including a daily chart: Of course the proper way to trade the Rh8482 is through the use of the Traders Trick Entry8482. The Traders Trick Entry8482 and the Rh8482 go hand in hand and are part and parcel of each other. The 1-2-3 formation is part of the Law of Charts8482, and the Traders Trick Entry8482 is the best way to trade the Rh8482 formation. Both are available to anyone as a free resource at Click-on Law of Charts8482 and also on The Traders Trick Entry8482 (Resources). I give these links here in order to save precious space for the remainder of this trading article. Now let8217s look at a 5-minute chart. Notice that every Rh8482 is a potential 1 point for prices to move in the opposite direction. It is important that you refrain from taking a breakout of the point of the Rh8482. Too often this will place you in the market too late for capturing a sizable portion of each move. There are numerous ways in which you can use the Rh8482. I will present here just one of the methods. Hooks can be combined with indicators if you like. Here we will combine the 1-2-3, the hook and a simple moving average, as one way in which you might trade. The chart shows trending prices underscored by a simple 9 bar moving average of the Opens. To compute the moving average, simply add together the Opening prices of the latest 9 price bars, and divide by 9, and then plot. Here are the rules for trading: First you must define a trend. I did it here by virtue of the violation of the 2 point of a 1-2-3 low formation. We buy one tick above the 2 point as prices move higher (breakout) above the 2 point. For protection, we tail a stop loss one tick below the previous bar8217s value for the moving average. In our example, prices do not move below the previous bar8217s moving average until the price bar marked 8216Out.8217 Let8217s talk briefly about trade management. Assuming you bought 3 contracts upon entry you would cash one contract as soon as you could cover costs and take a small profit. You would then use a trailing stop-loss protecting 50 of your unearned paper profits, and move one stop to break even. If you prefer, move both stops to break even. Once prices move up a sufficient amount to where both stop losses can be placed above break even, trail one stop at 50 and another wherever it feels comfortable. Keep in mind that 8216stop loss8217 means protecting your position against a serious loss of margin (which can easily happen in the forex market in particular). Once the trade is in the clear, stop-loss means protecting your open position equity against loss of profits. The simple trend following method we have shown you is not the 8216be-all to end-all8217 method of following a trend. There is much more to learn about trading trends. You might consider any of the following money management styles: 1. Taking all of your position off at once time at a specific objective of points, ticks, or dollars. 2. Taking 13rd of your position off at a first objective and then the remainder at a second objective. 3. Taking 23rds of your position off at a first objective and the remainder at a second objective. 4. Taking 12 of your position off at a first objective and 12 at a second objective. All of the above methods involve only money management. Futures money-management involves setting monetary, tick, point, or even percentage trade objectives. The following methods involve money management for the first taking of profit at an objective, but then using a trailing stop (trade management) for one or more of the profit taking exits. 5. Taking 13rd of your position off at a first objective and trailing a stop with 23rds of your position. 6. Taking 23rds of your position off at a first objective and trailing a stop for the final 13rd of your position. 7. Taking 12 of your position off at a first objective and trailing a stop for the remaining 12 of your position. I8217m sure by now you can see that there are other management combinations as well. By means of testing you should be able to determine which method works best for your chosen market and time frame. Also realize that no method of management is to be set in stone. Markets change constantly, and you must adapt your trading to the realities of your chosen market. Let me give you an example: At one point in my trading career, when the currencies were heavily traded, a time prior to the creation of the stock indices and US dollar market, I found in trading the Swiss Franc I was able to consistently make 12-ticks on most Traders Trick Entries8482. Trading was during time intervals very easy for me. All I had to do was place my entry stop order in the market, and contingent upon being filled, I would have a Market if Touched order resting 12 ticks beyond my proposed entry point. This method of management worked for almost a year. Then one day I noticed that all I could get was 10 ticks 8211 eventually only 8 ticks, then 6 ticks. This method of management was not worth trading for less than 6 ticks, because at 6 6ticks I had to double my position size to make the same amount as before. When I could no longer get 6 ticks I abandoned the trading method. I moved to other markets and did well in those 8211 mainly the British Pound and the Japanese Yen. However, in those markets I had to trade a bit differently than in the Swiss Franc currency market. It took some time, and I periodically kept an eye on the Swiss franc. Then I noticed that it was once again possible to make 12 ticks. This time that niche lasted only 6 months and it was over, with Swissie moving back to under 6 ticks in a matter of days. In 47 years of trading, I have not found a holy grail of trading. In today8217s markets I find that I have to change and adapt more often than ever before. Changes in today8217s markets are many, and the markets continue to change more rapidly than ever before. New exchanges, new markets (such as Forex Currencies), computers and electronic trading systems, have all changed the markets 8211 especially with them bringing many thousands of new market participants. Since any commodity, futures or forex trading market is comprised of all its participants, the changes have been monumental. No longer are financial markets dominated by professional speculators and commercial interests. Today, much of day trading is heavily populated by newbie traders trying to get rich quick. The single phenomenon of amateur day traders has caused the forex and commodity futures markets they trade in to become chaotic and confusing. You must change. You must adapt. You must coordinate your trading with what is really happening. To that extent, you must trade the Rh intelligently and with common sense. There is nothing magic about Ross hooks. They describe what happens when traders take profits during the course of a trend. There is nothing more to gain than the realization of the simple fact of profit taking and what it looks like on a market bar chart. 28. It8217s our job to trade 8220Forex8221 not 8220Histories8221 Throughout the years I8217ve been trading and writing Ive often written about mind set8212having the right frame of mind for your trading so you become a winner. Ive stated that it is our job to trade quotfutures, quot not quothistories. quot The future is the next bar on your chart. You cant possibly know how it will develop, how fast prices will move, or where it will end up. Since none of us know where the very next tick will be, its impossible to know where the tick after that will be, or the tick after that, etc. All we know at any one time is what were seeing. Interestingly, what were seeing may not be true. If we are day trading, we are not sure that what were seeing is a bad tick, especially if it is not too far astray from the price action. The daily price bar-chart doesnt always tell the truth, either. The open may not be where the first trade took place. The closing price is merely a consensus, and may be quite a bit distant from where the last trade took place. The high price may not have been the high, and the low price may not have been the low. If you dont believe that, then I challenge you to pick up any newspaper and take a look at some of the back months. For example if the futures exchange has reported that a back month they opened at 9755, with a high of 9802, a low of 9760, and a close of 9784. Does that make any sense How can the low be higher than the open How can the close be higher than the high Yet thats the kind of garbage we have to put up with in this business. Now you know the problem with back testing of trades. Back testing and simulated non-real-time testing are based on nothing but lies. Thats why they dont work when you actually put them to the test with real trading using real data. In fact, there are many reasons why back-testing and trade simulations wont work, and I may as well dump them in your lap right here. Because you dont really know where the high or low were, or if the market ever really traded there, you dont know if your simulated stop was taken out or not. If you say you have a trading system in which if you get three up days followed by a down day, the market will be up twelve days from now 82 of the time, then your whole statistical universe may have been based on what is not true. Have you ever watched the cocoa market from the open to the market close You can clearly see it trading at the open, but by the time the market closes, the open will at times be placed opposite the close. That might be fifty or more points away from where you saw it open and trade, and also as born out by a report of time and sales. The way they report cocoa prices is going to give a fit to a lot of candlestick traders. Why Because they are going to see far too many quotdojisquot (openclose), more than are really there. Cocoa is not the only culprit, but historically, it is certainly one of the worst When you see a completed bar on a chart, you have no idea which way prices moved first. You dont know if they moved down first or up first. You dont know whether or not prices opened and then moved to the high, went down to the low, and then traded in the lower half of the price range until the close, at which time prices soared up to the high and closed there. You have no idea of the overlap. Ive seen prices trade from one extreme to the other more than once at each extreme. In any of those instances, your protective stop could have been taken out intra day. You know nothing of the market volatility on any given day, once you see a completed price bar. Were prices ticking their normal, exchange minimum tick, or were they ticking two or three times the minimum every time prices ticked Even if you purchased intra day tick data for your simulation, showing every single tick the market made, you dont know what the volatility was. For instance, you dont know if the SampP was ticking five minimum fluctuations per tick or twenty-five minimum fluctuations per tick, and if it was doing it quickly or slowly. You dont know and you cant know, and anyone who tells you their simulated system works, based on such phony baloney, is a liar. Not knowing how fast the market was means you cant really know what the slippage might have been. The faster the market, the greater the slippage potential. You can sit there and say you would have gotten in at a certain price or that you would have exited at a certain price, but if you dont know the market volatility, and how fast the market was, you do not know enough to say that you would have done such and such. Not knowing how fast the market was, you have no way of knowing how much slippage there would have been on your entry or your exit. Without knowledge of slippage, you cant possibly know the risk. That is also true of volatility. Volatility is made up of range of movement, speed, and tick size. If you dont know the extent of slippage, you will not know the extent of the risk you would have encountered. As if thats not bad enough, you also dont know how thin the market was at the time you would have traded it. If you are position trading, you cant go by the reported daily volume (which is always too late to do you any good), because there is no way to know what the volume was at the time your price would have been hit. So here again you have no idea of what slippage you might have encountered, and once more you would not have known the risk. If you want to spend your money on a commodity or forex trading system based upon the unknown, then you must assume the risk of doing so. Since this is a business of assuming risk, you are entitled to insure prices in any market that you care to. Insurance companies spend a lot of money to make sure that the risks they take are actuarially sound. That is the equivalent of finding good, well-formed, liquid markets to trade in. But any market can become totally chaotic. Markets can become extremely fast, and they can become quite volatile. So even if your system was back-tested in a liquid market, when that market becomes fast andor volatile, your back-tested, simulated system will not be able to cope with it and you will lose. Its like going out to write life insurance on a battle front. If your back-tested, simulated system does factor in some room for fast andor volatile markets, then, when you will be trading in slow, non-volatile markets with the built in factor, you will be utilizing a system that is totally inappropriate for the slow, non-volatile market you are in. The best you can hope for is an quotoptimizedquot system. How can you possibly expect to compete with traders who are acting and reacting to the reality that is at hand at the time Extensive back-testing is for historians, not traders. It is the wrong view of the markets. Your trading must be forward looking without being ridiculous about seeing into the future. If you dont know where the next tick is, how can you possibly know where the next market turning point will be Can you see into the future Perhaps you may like to trade using astrology. as it has been said the famous old-time trader (from the 1920s thru 1950s era) Mr. W. D. Gann (William D Ganns photo to the left) used to trade financial markets successfully in his personal trading of stocks amp commodities. Astrological traders are always trying to peer into the future. In the automobile business they have a saying, quotTheres an ass for every seat. quot Likewise, theres a fool for every fortune teller who claims he can see into the future. You can always go out to your local coven and hire a witch to tell you what beans will do tomorrow. She may even be right from time-to-time. You could always do as one charlatan did and run the biorhythm for each market based on the day it first started to trade. Or, you can cast the markets horoscope based on the same date. With the biorhythm, youll know what time of day the market should be on its highs, and what time of day it will be on its lows. Youll know which day the market will be ecstatic and reach a new high, and which day it will be down in the dumps and make a new low. However, youll find that from time to time the market will reach new lows on the day it was supposed to reach new highs. Well, thats easy enough to explain. You can tell everyone quotWeve had an inversion. Until the market inverts again, the lows will be the highs, and the highs will be the lowsquot 29. Help with Trading Orders One way I can help is to suggest that you pick up a copy of our 4 cassette tape-set and manual called 8220Trading Order Power Strategies .8221 No one has ever produced a product quite like it and many of our trader readers have told us that it was of immense help to them. However, until you get your copy, learn the following: When the market trades above a buy-stop price order, it becomes a market order. The first down tick, after the market order price is activated, determines the highest price a buy stop order may be filled. The rule to remember placing stop-loss orders is this, quotBuy above and sell below. quot Buy-stops are placed above the current market price and sell-stops are placed below the current market price. If a buy-stop price is hit, the order then becomes an at-the-market order to be filled by the pit broker at the best price possible. If an SampP buy stop is hit at 40 and the market trades 40, 45, 50, then 45, the worst fill a trader can receive is a 50, because 45 is the first down tick. The exception to this rule comes under 8220fast market8221 condition, when brokers are not legally held to any prices, or in some New York markets, where pit brokers possess a license to steal. Avoid trading fast markets (fast-market are common in the forex currency markets). A fast market condition exists when extremely volatile price action results from a large amount of orders executed or entered into the pit, almost simultaneously. These market conditions reflect emotional reactions usually in response to the most recent government statistics like crop reports, or unemployment data etc. Whenever you are able, avoid placing trade orders under fast market conditions because of the high probability that you will receive excessive trade slippage. In general use at-the-market orders when its absolutely necessary, unless your commodity or forex trading strategy calls for you to use them. 8220Slippage8221 is the price difference between the stop-loss-order price and the actual fill price this becomes dangerously excessive in fast markets, when brokers have no restrictions on order prices. Ask your futures broker about which government statistics can move the markets, thereby causing extreme price volatility. Try to avoid being in the market during the most critical governmental statistic release, when fast market conditions are likely to occur. It is wise to stay out for about an hour or unless the fast market condition calms down. 8220Triple Witching Day8221 involves the expiration of stock options, index options, and futures contracts. Always know when these days exist and try to avoid trading on these days, which are marked by excessive slippage, poor market fills due to extreme price volatility. All exchanges issue commodity report calendars that will be sent to traders upon request. The New York markets usually have more slippage than Chicago commodity markets, and estimated 100 per trade slippage and commodity broker commission deduction should be used when producing hypothetical testing results from a futures trading system. The New York markets have less restrictions on their floor brokers and customers orders are accepted on a 8220not held responsible8221 basis. Recent reports of 10-cents slippage in a slow silver futures market are not uncommon. For Chicago markets you can use 50 to 75 slippage and commission for testing purposes. 30. Hey Joe, I8217m never sure about trade position reversing. It is scary, isn8217t it The only reason to reverse a daily chart short term position is because the intra-day buying and selling pressures have reversed the short term trend direction. When only intra day trend changes, a reversal is not mandated unless longer-term time and price objectives have been satisfied. If the short term market trend does not change but a technical stop-order is generated, then a trade exit without a reversal is mandated. Powerful trading signals, like an outside daily or weekly vertical bar, a previous five-day resistance top or support bottom violation, demand immediate reversals. The above holds true for any time frame. If you are trading a 3-minute chart, and the trend reverses on the 1-minute price chart, its either time to get out of the market or time to consider reversing your market position. You are correct about reversing being scary. It most certainly is, and I would not suggest doing so unless you 1.) Know what you are doing. 2.) Have the stomach for it, sufficiently quick on your feet. Developing a stomach for trading position reversing takes practice and the self-assuredness that comes with the courage of your personal strength and convictions. Joe Ross is with TradingEducators UF. ORG is our Trademark - All Rights Reserved. This traders article is also copyrighted by Joe Ross amp Reprinted with permission. Some article additions, comments, enhancements and editing has been done by the UF website editor (in particular involving FX forex markets and forex traders), thus the entire traders article text is not all attributable to Mr Joe Ross, though most is contributed by Joe. 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